My name is JP, I'm originally from New Zealand and I currently live in Iowa (in the United States) on a small acreage with my wife and two boys.

I like computers. I have since I was a kid, I'm not entirely sure what drew me to them first. The first computers I used were Z80 based systems my father had
built himself from scratch, including the video console. After that I played DUNGEO (later renamed to Zork) on a triple-rack PDP11/34a, and after that
I had a Commodore 64. I guess that got me hooked. My first "PC" was a Sanyo MBC775 luggable that the old man had "acquired" from his work.

I started collecting things in New Zealand before I emmigrated. Most of that is still there.
My first systems I found at an internet provider - the first public internet provider in New Zealand. They had a fleet of Sun 4 series machines that they had built
their provider on in the late '80s and early '90s and were now derelict. They were either lining corridors - or being used as table legs. I traded them a table for
a pair of Sun 4/470 cabinets and the bug truly bit.

Here in the United States there is a lot more stuff to find. Mostly I find them through friends, mailing lists or surplus sites.

Primarily through my YouTube channel, which I maintain to share my affliction with others. Button at top of page.

If you would like to contact me, please do so through YouTube's mail system - that way I'm not checking a dozen different mail sources.